
About us

The Story of Love… and the Wedding!

Before you attend our happy wedding reception, let us tell you more about the kind of a romantic backstory that our relationship has lived through… Initially, I met Logan under very unusual circumstances! When visiting my regular dentist’s office for a regular appointment, I found that in fact, he was a fraud… Logan was a Police Detective, who was in charge of the investigation on the scene… He says that never before had he dated someone, whom he met on a crime scene. Anyways, starting off with such an unusual acquaintance, our relationships grew more and more close, eventually leading our 5-years long relations to a brand new start – the engagement, which Logan did in such a romantic way!

900 Guests

That’s how many friends, family members and colleagues will attend our special day!

Empire State Building

That’s where the wedding will be taking place, at the height of the 77th floor in NYC!

50 Dishes

That’s how many dishes of miscellaneous cuisines will our wedding menu feature on that day!

100 Pounds

That’s how much the red velvet wedding cake will be weighing, yummy!

Guys, I am so happy for you two! The wedding was lovely, just as well as the bride! That’s a pity that I’m a married man already… 🙂

Jordan, the Groomsman

Caitlin, you looked just fabulous, with that maroon dress highlighted with navy blue laces! I am so happy for you and Logan!

Sara, the Bridesmaid

Caitlin, that was such an honor for me to be your bridesmaid! I hope that I did not spoil your wedding when I dropped the rings in the church…

Mary, the Bridesmaid

Our first photo as a married couple!

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