
Our Team

People who make your events‘ memories here to stay

We like art and math. And communication. And lists.

So here’s a list! We…

  • picnic and cook, even on cold lazy days
  • dine out, discussing philosophy and system design
  • attempt to dance tango together
  • spent 432,837 seconds together in Amsterdam
  • have become that annoyingly cheerful couple
  • paint every other vodka bottle in sight
  • are not about euphemisms
  • are about speaking our minds
  • considered adopting a tiger
  • devised a new 2-person Catan method
  • will miss you from Spain for our honeymoon
Caitlin (nee Rowls)

Caitlin (nee Rowls)

The Bride

Written by the Groom: Though she is the sweetest person on Earth, sometimes she can be intimidating as well… Or that was just me thinking of doing a proposal and  horrified at the thought that she might refuse it… I did not have the courage to call her, After being introduced I could not have been more wrong about my sweet Caitlin.

Logan Morris

Logan Morris

The Groom

Written by the Bride: Logan is my oldest friend. He is charming, responsible, quirky, God-loving, and heartfelt all in one package. I was introduced to this awesome dude for the first time ever on an impromptu trip to the local grocery store near Azusa Pacific University. I was extremely hyper active and so…

Olivia Blunder

Olivia Blunder


My younger sister, Olivia and I are incredibly close and share all of our secrets…  This sweetest woman has been a huge role model and influence my entire life. I have always looked up to her and wouldn’t be that kind of a person I am today without her. She is one of the strongest, as well as one of the most loving, girls…

John Singular

John Singular


I have known John my whole adult life and that awesome dude has been my best friend in the world since 1999! Both of us two were born and brought up in the beautiful state of New Mexico playing guns, dressing up like girls (his idea), and just making the most of the time we had together. I lived with him after college for 2 years…

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